How to Become Rich in an Instant • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

How to Become Rich in an Instant

Maybe you have been saying to yourself, “Someday when…, I will get to enjoy a five-star resort, or I’ll be driving that luxury car.” You can fill in the blank any way you choose. It’s your wish list. 

If that’s you, I have a little advice on how to become rich sooner than you think. 

I was at an estate sale over the weekend, and a couple of young girls, maybe in their early 20’s were shopping. 

They were admiring some of the beautiful clothing available to purchase.  

One said to the other, 

“I love the pretty nightgown sets. I love to wear them. They make me feel rich.”

I loved the conversation and smiled to myself. As it reminded me, “rich” is just that a “feeling.” It isn’t the money or the things.  

A scarcity mindset can often trap us. It keeps us stressed and working too many long hours without a break to feel rich.  

We get busy pushing off the joy of the rich to someday. Someday when I’m all caught up. Someday when I’ve sold, double what I’m selling now.  

At the beginning of my sales career, I became caught up in the hustle. I saw the success around me, and I wanted to achieve the same type of success. 

I wanted to be rich, drive the super cushy SUV, wear designer suits, and eat all the fancy food.  

It wasn’t long before I started to see some success. I started winning the business and hitting the numbers. My name was on the leaderboard!  

But I didn’t feel rich. I felt stressed out and worried about customer satisfaction, the economy, and all the things. 

My answer was to work harder. I kept saying, “someday.”  

But, I recall one small activity in the early years that made a real difference for me.  

I had never heard of Starbucks until we were in an airport on our way home from a cruise. A cruise our company kindly provided to all its’ employees. There in that airport, I ordered my first Starbucks. I couldn’t believe how expensive it was or how extravagant it felt to drink a Raspberry White Mocha …so fancy. 

The concept that lattes and coffee were extremely different was so confusing, especially since I drank so much creamer in my coffee. Handy-dandy Google wasn’t around to educate me either. 

All I knew was that I came home from the airport thinking how fancy I felt drinking flavored coffee.

Never mind the fact I had just been on a plane and to another country for the first time.  For some reason, I didn’t let that soak in at the time. I took it for granted. Like we do a lot of things that we work hard to achieve. 

I had decided to try relaxing at the end of the day after supper. It was going to be self-care for me. So, I bought a cd that played nature sounds and an individual pack of Kroger-flavored coffee.  

I would take a bath, listen to nature sounds and drink that strong, inexpensive flavored coffee.  Now that I think back, just like the girl at the estate sale, I felt rich.  

That was a turning point for me as I was in my 20’s and learning how to maintain success. 

I learned that a few minutes of escape freed my mind of worry and opened it to possibility instead. I then could plan the next day from a possibilities perspective instead of a tired and stressed perspective. Until I heard her say, “it makes me feel rich,” I didn’t have words to describe the different states of mind that bath, cd, and coffee made possible. 

Take a break and spend some time coming up with something inexpensive that will make you feel rich, even if it’s just for the afternoon.

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