Did You Know... • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Did You Know…

There are three things you might not know you need to do well in sales.

1. You will need a little fight in you. What is fight? It’s a passion, it’s a desire to win, and want to, a want to win. Sometimes it’s referred to 🔥 in the belly. You will need to care if they say “yes”. For example, remember when you were a kid, and you wanted to go to that friend’s house?  You first had to negotiate the “yes” from your parents. You had to care if they said “yes”. You waited until the right time to ask. You promised to clean your room. You cared about the outcome. This same level of want-to needs to be in your approach to closing the sale. Yes, there are other sales opportunities, but how did you feel if your parents said “maybe next week.” So, commit to getting a “yes” because it matters to you.

2. You will need to understand it’s not about you! If they say “no” it’s not all about you. There’s a lot of factors that go into deciding to purchase. Your technique, words, and presentation are only one part of a decision. You are the center of your universe, but not everyone’s. Using the example above, when you were a kid, and your parents said “no,” was it because they didn’t like you? Of course, it wasn’t, and most of the time, that’s not why you get a “no” now. There are lots of things going on for everyone, and sometimes other priorities come first. 

3. You will need to be more of a listener than a talker. This is a biggie. I hear people say, “she/he would be good at sales. They can sure talk.” It’s essential to be brave enough to approach others with ideas and thoughts. Once you meet them or have their attention, you will need to listen to them to find their wants and needs before starting to talking. If you are just chatty and friendly and can’t move the conversation to the point you might have a hard time selling. This is a skill quickly learned once you understand the concept. 

These three things are not in every checklist of what you will need to do well in sales. There are dozens of attributes and qualities that can help you become a sales success. These three are the things I have observed in those that win the trips, make the quotas, and have a great time doing it. 

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