A Tale of Two Pivots • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

A Tale of Two Pivots

Two weeks ago, I shared how I had attempted a pivot that was an add-on to my business life.

Last week I shared the story of Wendy Conklin (Chair Whimsy) and how she made a huge pivot from one career to another, and how successful she is now.

So what was different about those two pivots?

Wendy was willing to walk away from the old and do something new! Something she was so passionate about and so dedicated to, she was ready to do what was hard. She was willing to fail and try again.

I, on the other hand, was not walking away from something else. I was trying to add something else. I wasn’t ready to fail, and I certainly wasn’t willing to risk what I had been building for my add-on.  

I also realize I didn’t have the experience or capacity to make this pivot a success 15 years ago. It was an add-on. It was completely and totally unrelated to our other business.

While I am often willing to fail for something better and willing to get back up again, this was not the case for me in this scenario.

However, I did learn from the failure. I learned new things about business and myself. It wasn’t a loss. It was one of the reasons our copier business became better, bigger, and more profitable. I was forced by my own naive mistakes to choose a direction and try harder at the copier business. Because while it seemed to be going good enough to me, I thankfully realized there was room to improve and grow.

So pivots, even the failed attempts, are not for nothing; they can push you and grow you to places you never expected.

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