Working on Your Mindset • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Working on Your Mindset

Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe she has been working on her mindset. 

How do you feel when you see a successful person? 

Do you think it all came naturally? My guess is most successful, happy people have done some work or maybe a lot of work on their mindset. 

Mindset is not a word I heard too often back in the 90s when I started selling. 

Instead, I heard words like positive thinking and self-help. I discovered these things when I recognized the successful people I met all had one thing in common a positive attitude. 

They didn’t complain as much, and they didn’t have excuses for why it wasn’t working. 

Always looking at new opportunities with the expectation of winning. They planned to have something and to go places.

I quickly learned I needed to learn how to change my thinking, expectations, and routine. 

I started to study success. By buying audiobooks, checking out books, and reading articles, I went to the seminars. I hung on to every word of the trainers. 

I spent way more time learning to think like a winner than I spent learning the technical aspects of the equipment I was selling. 

One reason for this might have been once I learned the equipment capabilities and accessories, it stuck. 

I didn’t have to work on reminding myself continually about machine specs. I learned them quickly and retained them. 

My mindset was different. It required constant practice. 

It wasn’t that I forgot to think positively, but more like clutter got in the way. Some clutter might be news, the negativity of those around me, fearful thoughts, competitors, or just simple distractions.

Mindset is a strange thing. It is not like traditional knowledge, where it doesn’t get covered up. Mindset gets covered up by other things and forgotten. 

Positive thoughts are not always the strongest of our instincts. It is natural to worry and doubt. Remember, fear comes easy and will steal your energy. 

I will be sharing some thoughts on mindset over the coming weeks. 

Listen to the podcast (Here) and look for more of this month’s blogs on mindset tips to make positive thoughts come a little more naturally. 

You will be surprised at the fantastic results you can achieve with just a little focus on the good and the possible.

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