A Successful Pivot • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

A Successful Pivot

Here is a story of what I would call, a successful pivot!

Have you seen Chair Whimsy online? If you like unique and beautiful things for your home or life, check it out (here). I first heard the creator behind Chair Whimsy on this podcast (here) in February 2021.

I started following her because I went to her blog first thing from the podcast, and she had redone a filing cabinet with wallpaper!

The wallpaper wasn’t plain or safe. It was bright, floral, and beautiful!  

I kept following along, looking forward to receiving her latest email each week with her latest blog post.  

I wasn’t looking to become a customer; just an admirer who appreciated her post and latest project or travels.

The email always came on Sunday afternoon, and I couldn’t wait. I remember one of my favorites was one where she had redone a camper. You can read about the camper and see awesome photos on her site (here); it is so adorable!

That afternoon when my boys came home, when the girls came to visit, and when Earl sat down by me on the porch, everyone got to see and hear my take on the camper!  

I wasn’t going to the Chair Whimsy site for business purposes and had no intention of buying a chair or upholstering a chair.

I didn’t realize yet that I had become not only a raving fan but also a potential client and student.  

All summer, I continued to anticipate the Sunday emails. Finally, last fall, an email came about a virtual summit- Creating with Color. I purchased!

The summit was so extraordinary, so well put together, and so inspiring! There you have it. I bought it! I became a customer, and that was just the beginning.  

This month we have been talking all about the pivot. Wendy, at one time, was an author for education.

She had an idea and wanted to redo antique chairs and sell them; ultimately, making a real pivot!

Then, she sold her first chair but realized she barely covered her expenses.

It would have been easy to give up the idea of the pivot. She wasn’t going to be able to replace her full-time income if she didn’t do something different with the next chairs. She continued to work on her craft, strategy, and plan for success.  

A few things made Wendy’s pivot a success as I see it.  

1. She didn’t just accept the value of her work and chairs based on her first try. She instead considered the market placement of her chairs. For example, some prospects are looking for bargains instead of works of art. She needed to position her chairs for what they were works of art. The chairs needed to be where buyers would appreciate their value.

2. She stuck to what made her chairs special. She could have looked around and adjusted to trends like neutral farmhouses. But that wasn’t her passion, brand, or her art. She ultimately stood out, and that made her work even more valuable. (the number one rule to be competitive in business is what makes you different).  

3. She continued to listen to her prospects and followers, and she now has more than one type of client. She has those that buy her chairs, those that want to learn themselves and buy her upholstery classes, and those like me that believe in the courses on the business of being creative.

Can you imagine how well she listens to her audience? She probably does a better job of serving different types of avatars than almost anyone I’ve followed.  

Last month, I spent three glorious days in Texas with her and her friend, Sara, and 23 other creative ladies learning to use more of my creativity in my businesses.  

Wendy has a beautiful company at Chair Whimsy. She was a guest on my podcast, episode 61, I encourage you to check it out. The interview will inspire you to try new things and share your creativity. Overall this interview is a positive talk on living your best happy life.

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