Why We Need Salespeople • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Why We Need Salespeople

What do you do when you think of something you want to purchase?

Do you go straight to google? Maybe you end up on Pinterest?

I usually end up with something entirely different on my list 🤣.

This week on the podcast, Earl was my guest. He shares about a purchase he made recently. He is a bit more focused when he shops🤣🤣.

He did google what he was looking for but researched the options and decided to go out and look in person.

When he arrived at the shop, a sales rep introduced himself and began to answer some of Earl’s questions. But, better yet, he begins to ask Earl questions about what he’s looking for and how he plans to use it.

You can take a listen (here) as Earl goes even further into why this guy makes the sale.

The best part is that Earl spent more than he planned and is happy about it. 😁

The sales rep turned Earl into a fan!

He was a great example of why we need salespeople even in a digital world. We may even need them more now that everything is digital. There are so many options!

We need someone to help us cut down the confusion and help us spend the money, and be glad we did.

That’s the true mark of the kind of salesperson we should all strive to become.

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