Vision Board Series Part 1: 3 Reasons • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Vision Board Series Part 1: 3 Reasons

Three Reasons to Consider a Vision Board for your Goals in 2022 and Beyond.

Maybe you already set goals for yourself each year. You could do a mental recap or something written in either short bullets or elaborate detail. 

What value does a vision board bring that you can’t get with just your mental pictures and written goals? 

I have found some real value in creating a vision board over the last few years. Here are the three top reasons for taking the time to complete a vision board.

1. There’s more to having things in life.

Before I started my current vision board process, I was very focused on things and numbers. 

For example, I wanted new clothes. So it was easy to make a list of items with a dollar figure. But, when I got those specific items, I still felt disappointed or empty. What was missing? I hadn’t considered the feeling I wanted my goals to help me reach. I was focusing on specific, measurable goals, and I was able to check many of them off that were about dollars figures or a weight on the scale. Easy to list and easy to mark off but not easy to understand why I still felt less than successful. The lists did little to account for how I wanted to feel.

2. When I didn’t have a vision board, I had goals for different areas of my life, but I didn’t see how it all worked together.

It was just lists of nice to have things that everyone should want. The one benefit of having a list was it made me believe a little stronger than it could be possible. But, at the end of the year, all I had was a partially completed list. I also would find areas in my life that had been unattended with my list. While I was checking things off, some other things seemed neglected. 

3. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, having a vision board helps me use my priorities and creativity to understand what I want for my family, business, and myself.

When I didn’t have a vision board to realize what I wanted for my future, it was easier to attach myself to what others wanted or were likely to admire. 

Sometimes, I was caught up in the scroll on Instagram and tempted to want what others had instead of appreciating what I was capable of having or worse already had and was overlooking.

Having a vision board helps me understand the feelings I want to embrace daily and helps me focus on who is important, not numbers, dollars, and weights. My vision board allows me to see how it’s all going to fit together, and sometimes that means knowing what to take away instead of add. Lastly, a vision board helps me understand what’s important to me. Instead of me getting caught up chasing everyone else good goals, I now work toward my own perfect goals. They are only perfect because they are perfect to me. Chosen for me and by me based on my intuition, feelings, and the joys I want to cultivate in my life to share with my family and friends.

A vision board offers many benefits, and listed here are just three of the many reasons you should consider adding it to your yearly goal-setting activities.

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