Matchmaking • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant


Have you ever discovered something extraordinary you loved so much that you wanted to share it with someone else that would enjoy it just as much? Well, that is matchmaking.

You discover something you believe in and appreciate. You think of someone you like and care about that would enjoy it or need it.

This happens on occasion when a family member plays matchmaker. They love you so dearly. They meet someone they think would bring you joy, and it’s a perfect match. 

Sales for me is just that! I discover a product or service I think is extraordinary for several reasons, and then I want to meet others that might need it and want it based on its fine qualities.  

I’m not ashamed, I’m not pushy, and it’s not all about the money. It’s about sometimes life-changing opportunities, but always things that will make a difference that I want to share with others. 

If you love your products and services because you know they make a difference, find a match that needs it in their life. 

If you want to sell more, take a look at what you offer, what’s fantastic about it, who would appreciate it, who needs it, who would it make a difference for? Now, find the best matches. Matchmaking will not only make your customer happy but will bring you joy as well!

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