Family Goals   • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Family Goals  

I have worked on my personal goals since the 90s. I listened to audiobooks and read the works of Zig Ziglar, Norman Vincent Peale, Tony Robbins, and Napoleon Hill. I believe in positive thinking and planning for success. I initially mostly worked on business goals.  

As an outside sales rep in a very competitive field and market, I needed to really work to fight through an initial rejection rate of at minimum 80%. 

Imagine that in a day of walking in 20 offices on average, I was getting 18 no’s and not necessarily two yes’s. It was more like I had two doors that didn’t slam or conversations that didn’t end abruptly.  

Once I had conditioned myself to deal with the rejection and move forward with the hope remaining, I started to see real business success. It dawned on me that I could use the same methods I used in business to develop a personal life that was also more positive and forward-moving.

I have a great imagination (the benefit of being an only child). What if I could use my imagination to create a better personal life? All by combining it with the principles I had learned from all the books I had been reading and listening to.

It felt kinda dreamy in the beginning. I purchased a cd with the sounds of the ocean and bought my first packs of flavored coffee for a daily ritual to end my work day and dream new dreams.  

I even felt silly as I shared the details of my practice with Earl and my mom. Neither of them judged me. At least, if they did, they didn’t burst my bubble.  

I began making a list of things I wanted, places I wanted to go, and imagining a lifestyle beyond my current situation.  

It’s now well over 25 years later. I haven’t perfected my method. I have to say goal setting and working toward what I imagine are my favorite things to adjust and tweak to improve.  

Over the years, I found a way to open this thinking up to my family. We have now created a once-per-year event we call goals day. 

I’ve invited my family to join me as I have introduced them to imagining something better. 

The results have been excellent for many reasons. I’ll be sharing some of those reasons next week.  

If you get a chance, listen in to the podcast as I share how we set it and some of our goals for the coming year.

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