Do What Matters • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Do What Matters

This week on the podcast, my guest is Teresa McCloy. I met Teresa a few years ago, and her wisdom amazes me. She has a perspective on life and business that I truly appreciate.

She just wrote a book titled, “Do What Matters: Live From Rest, Not Rush, Using The REALIFE Process®,” (View Here).

We recorded this episode a few days before my dad had an accident, and the last five weeks have been tough for me.

My dad has been in the hospital, and I have never seen him so sick. He’s had accidents and medical procedures in the past, but each had an expected timeline for recovery, and he’s always exceeded expectations.

This time I’ve had to be patient, and I’m not good with that. There have been more questions than answers. Our bodies are full of mystery, and healing comes in many ways. He has been really sick, and he’s still in the hospital.

I’ve thought about Teresa many times during the weeks that followed our podcast interview. She’s been through some tough things. She has chosen to use her pain and the strength she gained to help others.

It seems there’s always divine intervention when we least expect it. The conversation with Teresa reminds us to do what matters. I needed the advice to choose where to spend my time wisely.

We are covering vision boards, goals, and all the good things around new year planning this month on the podcast. I purposely brought Teresa in to start us off because it’s important to know what matters to you and to take time to acknowledge it and make space for it as you approach your new year.

I may have gotten an unexpected jolt as a reminder, but I knew all along Teresa’s wisdom was something I wanted to share. Take time to listen to the podcast if you can (listen here). It will help you start goal setting and vision casting from the right place.

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