Evaluate • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant


This month on Selling With Charm, we will discuss evaluating where we are and where we want to be.  

We have four months to kick our efforts into high gear and reach those 2022 goals. You have a whole 1/3 of the year remaining.  

When there’s a long way to go and a short time to get there, relying heavily on what you do best and what comes easy is one way to get the best results. 

Last Spring, I interviewed Wendy Conklin from Chair Whimsy (ep). She shared how she had worked with Dr. Judy Oskam (https://www.judyoskam.com/) taking the Clifton Strengths Assessment and what a great asset it had been for her.

So, I followed up by taking the test and doing a coaching session with Dr. Judy, and I learned so much.  

My assessment puts me into the Strategic Thinking category. What is awesome about my results and working with Judy is the opportunity to use my strengths to help others.  

I recognized several of my strengths could be used by me to serve my customers and clients better. I have been coaching for a couple of years, so by adding what I’ve learned through working with clients and looking at how I can offer the unique help they need, I have added a new consulting component to my coaching business. 

This includes a new offer using my strengths to develop a Sales Process Analysis that will give anyone who wants to sell more volume and more consistently a picture of how they can improve their current system to get better results.  

It’s a great go-to option to do instead of automatically adding more marketing, hiring more people, or continuing to try to reinvent your current process.  

This is even a great option if you don’t have time to continue being the one that makes sales in your business or if you hate the thought of selling.  

During the analysis, we can identify other options for the best results. 

So during this month of evaluation, consider if it’s time for you to review your sales process and sign up for the S.P.A (here).

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