Why Should You Consider a Coach? • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Why Should You Consider a Coach?

Maybe you are feeling a bit stuck with sales and in your business. Perhaps you are considering a pivot in your offerings? Maybe everything is going well, but you would like to make sure you maximize your success. 

I have found investing in coaching for my sales, for my business, and even in life coaching over the years has been very beneficial. The various coaching has helped me in immeasurable ways. Just the fresh eyes on my process, challenges, and growth opportunities were some of the biggest surprises.

The first time I hired a coach, I found one of the most significant benefits was the opportunity to have a sounding board. Their advice would always open my eyes to even more possibilities. The coaches had a way of making what I had thought might be difficult much easier than I realized. 

Then later, I joined a group coaching program. That brought value from both the coach and the added value from the community members. 

I had been hesitant on earlier occasions to hire a coach for one reason or another. First, I was nervous. If I hired a coach, did that mean I couldn’t do it on my own? I didn’t have formal training and feared judgment. Then I wasn’t sure if I would get enough benefit for the time, it may take. Lastly, there was the investment that’s always a factor no one wants to waste money on. 

It turns out it was the most natural thing ever after I got started! The coaches discovered strengths I didn’t even realize I had, and the time commitment was minimal for the results I received, and the money was a true investment. Coaching, whether one on one or in a group, has always brought me a good return on my investment.

I have loved all the different coaching programs for one reason or another. They have made such a difference for me I make sure I plan my coaching each year along with my calendar and business plans for the upcoming year.

It’s the time of year I like to get started thinking about next year’s goals. I encourage you to look at your goals for next year. If you’ve considered coaching, 2022 might be the year to get started.

If you are looking to increase your sales and work-life balance and crush some big goals in 2022, I’d love for you to consider working with me. 

I’ll be introducing a special that might be just the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!

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