Positive Thinking • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Positive Thinking

How do you feel about positive thinking? 

I fully believe it’s worth some effort. 

I have shared before my first introduction to the concept of controlling my thoughts was when my sales manager handed me a worn-out cassette with the title, “The Power of Positive Thinking.” 

It was on repeat in my car even though I didn’t have the complete set. This cassette was just part of a set.  

I soon asked if he had more audiobooks like this. He gave me several others to try and suggested a few more for me to look for on my own. 

He shared an array of speakers and authors for sales training. 

I went to libraries and bookstores, finding anything I could base on his recommendations. 

I listened, I read, and I soaked up lots of knowledge. 

Some I listened to over and over, and others couldn’t hold my interest. 

He had suggested one particular speaker, and I couldn’t even get through the cassettes.  

This specific trainer was all about technique. He suggested things like watching the direction of the eyes of the prospect to see what they were thinking. 

That was too much detail for me! Especially to learn while driving.  

Plus, the interaction with clients didn’t seem to be my struggle. I saw the challenge to be staying motivated to do the work to get the appointments. 

Once I got the appointments, I was able to just be myself and ask questions and find where I could offer help. 

What I found that really helped me were the authors, speakers, and trainers that focused on things like positive thinking, helping others, and the training on self-discipline. 

Thinking positive, helping others, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. These are the three things that drove my success. 

These authors told stories that illustrated how powerful this combination could be. Not just in sales but in life. 

Thinking positive, pushing myself to hear a no or fail, and getting back up was key.

I kept reading and listening and putting it into practice. It worked time after time. I was sticking to it, and I was having a good time even when they said “no.”

My success in sales and life is because I found out I couldn’t control everything. But, I could control what I allowed my mind to focus on, my actions and reactions.  

Once I had those under control, I could focus on helping others.  

Positive thinking works because it pushes you to keep going.  

Positive thinking doesn’t change situations as much as it changes your feelings about the situation. 

If I’m not thinking positively and get a no, it feels like a never, and I stop my efforts. 

If I keep it positive, I look at the no as a not right now and push through to see what I can do next.  

I don’t control the prospect. If they say no, I have to accept it. But I still want to help. I control my reaction and the actions that follow. 

The mindset and my attitude are what sets the tone for my day, the accounts I call on, my relationships, and my life.  

The feeling of being out of control and uncertain are what makes some days tough.  

The training and studying I’ve done over the years have helped me get through those difficult times. 

I sometimes catch myself getting caught up in what I can’t control. Just like everyone else, I need a reminder to focus on being as positive as possible. 

A reminder to focus on what I can control and what I want more than I focus on what I can’t control and what I don’t want.  

Give it a try, focus on what you can control, the outcome you want, and manage your reaction to everything that comes along. 

None of us can change the past, and many things are out of our control. But, we can decide to control what we can control and focus on the next step toward a better outcome.  

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