Movie Night & LulaRich • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Movie Night & LulaRich

A couple of weeks ago, I watched the LulaRich series on Amazon Prime. I had seen it on social media, and for whatever reason, I couldn’t pull myself away. 

You can look it up, and the reviews are all over the place. According to the reviews, you will either love, love, it, or hate it. 🤣

I’ll say this it made me think through the business side of the whole scenario. I knew nothing really about the company, their products, or the opportunity they were representing. My only experience with it had seen a few cars with the colorful logo spelled out and someone mentioning to me they had leggings. 

The show itself is all kinds of drama and what feels like you’re sitting in on juicy gossip. While I believe the drama made me unable to put it down or turn it off, it’s also what made me uncomfortable at times and think 🤔 about my own opinion based on the information presented.

There’s a lot of people who have been burned by MLM’s, and I understand it can cause severe problems for individuals and families.  

But, just as there have been disasters, there are lots of families that have been blessed beyond measure by the opportunity MLM companies have made possible. 

So I thought I would share my perspective on what LulaRoe had right as a business.

First, they were selling something others wanted. They weren’t just like anything else out there. The limited quantity available and the element of urgency for the exclusive prints made it genius. 

Second, they were presenting an opportunity for flexibility. There’s a lot of momma’s that want to be able to make a good income and work from home. 

Third, the cost of entry was substantial but not impossible. Those who choose to buy in are more likely to commit to the work with that much on the line. But it was also a small enough amount that it was possible to borrow the money or make it pretty quickly.

Lastly, they provided community and training for people who wanted to learn, get better, earn more money, all within a community of others with similar goals. 

LulaRoe was like a lot of others were onto something. They had a good business concept and a growing company with so many fans and prospects they got behind. They lost control of what they were trying to achieve. 

If you’ve never had a business that is multiplying, it’s hard to understand. But it’s hard to stay on top of expenses, hard to keep quality consistent, and there are times when you wish you could start over with the newfound knowledge. But, when you have employees, customers, and vendors counting on you, there’s no starting over or even taking a rest. 

It is hard not to recognize Lularoe was doing at least a few things right. The incredible growth they experienced was impressive. While the increase was extraordinary, it is what ultimately, in my opinion, led to so many problems.  

I think my biggest takeaway was the fact keeping your whys in front of you at all times is very important to maintain a strong business that helps vendors, employees, and ultimately society. The answer is not to sell as much and as fast as you can. It’s not a race to the highest income figures. There’s so much more that needs to be considered first. Sadly sales numbers are just an easy target that is measurable. 

I can see how some vision and goal setting could make a real difference for the individuals in the LulaRich series. I can imagine the transformation when new metrics are applied. 

Just my opinion on what eye-opening prime entertainment 😊.

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