Blogging & Sales • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Blogging & Sales

Kelly Radcliff was my guest on the podcast, and you are going to love all the blogging secrets she shares! 

The episode combines inspiration, unique revenue streams, and some sales coaching.  

Kelly lives in Colorado and just left a 20-year career as a kindergarten teacher to be a full-time DIY/lifestyle blogger.  

Kelly shares her journey. Because she had this desire to do this full-time, she’s been working toward the goal. It didn’t happen overnight. She had to consider all the income streams available. 

She planned and pursued her dream. It couldn’t have been easy to make the jump; things that are worth it aren’t always easy.  

You will be encouraged, entertained, and inspired by my conversation with Kelly. She and I discuss some sales strategies too for reaching out to those clients and a plan for consistency to move the sales needle forward in a couple of areas. I loved my conversation with Kelly from The Tattered Pew I know you will be encouraged by it too!

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