You'll Never Know Until You Try • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Wow, what a week!  Earl ran his big race last weekend and finished strong! He earned a PR for fifty milers finishing in 11:33.  Ben came and paced him over the last 10 miles, and Korey met them at the finish line (he had been at Keeneland, so he was dressed up). Here’s a photo of all of them—the finish line.

Goals are important; if you have set some or want to set some, the more support you can find, the better.  Earl hired a coach in January 2022, and in a year, he shaved over 2 hours off his last PR.   That’s an example of how someone can help you improve upon what you are already doing! 

If there are some things or maybe one thing you want to aim for, Go For It.  You will never know till you try.  Earl was never a runner until he turned 45.  He just decided to try, and within five years, he ran 50-mile trail races in the mountains of Kentucky! 

I appreciate all of you.  Thanks for continuing to follow me on this journey! 

Have a great week!  Be a blessing to someone ❤️ Sometimes it just takes a little note or just a kind word.

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