Shifting Your Mindset • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Shifting Your Mindset

So, how do you begin shifting your mindset?

You can use journaling visualization and affirmations to clarify what you want and stay on track in your journey to your goals.

I journaled for a couple of years and had gone through the exercises in Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way that instructs you to journal three pages of whatever is on your mind first thing in the morning.

While that was helpful, the next item I added was even more potent for me.

I knew my mindset was not where I wanted it to be. It was not where I was accustomed to it being. I had the feeling that I was stuck. 

My creativity was at a low, and I wasn’t myself. So here is what I did as my last-ditch effort to fix the situation. 

I started writing every morning and evening about how I wanted my everyday life to look. I wrote it as if it were in the present. I wrote it out in detail and did this twice daily. Yes, twice a day. 

It was all free flow. I just poured it out into my journal or, if it wasn’t handy, the notes section on my phone.

I had seen the movie The Help, and I was reminded what we are told as a child is essential, and as an adult, our own voice is the one we hear most often, and it is the most convincing. 

I would say to myself the good stuff at least twice a day before starting my day and before I went to bed.

My family couldn’t help but notice since I was doing this twice a day. I usually sat in quiet during the mornings. In the evening, I just sat in the living room with my family and wrote it out while we were watching tv and winding down. So, instead of hiding it, I said I was working on my mindset and my goals. 

They may have been curious, and it sometimes felt like criticism when they asked about it or the time it took. But, I pushed on, and they supported me. 

It didn’t happen instantly, but I started to see a difference over time. My creativity, energy, and joy began to return. 

But, even more than that, my life began to look like what I was writing. 

I began to feel better, so my actions were changing, and as a result, my outcomes were changing. 

I began to understand what the target was and where it was.

You will never hit a target you can’t see. 

This exercise developed new thoughts for me. I saw positive things instead of all negative things. For example, we found a new home that, after some work, is just as I had imagined. 

My creativity returned and in spades.

Best of all, my positive attitude returned. I started to think more clearly, and dream bigger. I started to try doing what had seemed impossible. 

This exercise was extreme, intense, and effective. 

Mindset can be easily overlooked as an obstacle. It can appear to be lots of problems out of your control. I know that’s how I felt. 

So, if you feel stuck and out of control, try checking in on your mindset. I have worked on my mindset for years, and this was still hidden from me. I was blind to the problem until I did the serious work of pushing through.

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