Market Yourself • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Market Yourself

If you have a business you need a way to market yourself, to let others know who you are and what you do.

This month I’ve been sharing all about cold calling.

Why do I love cold calls? Cold calls get things going quickly because cold calls cut out a lot of chance. I hand-select the prospects to know I’m in front of the right people. I get to be my genuine self during a cold call, so I’m sure of the presented brand image.

This is another reason it’s a faster track to success. My potential clients can hear my authentic brand voice. I don’t have to wait till they have connected the dots in a string of marketing efforts.

While all marketing functions toward awareness, some methods are more reliable and faster than others.  

This week on my podcast, my guest is Julie Fry. Julie is a connector by nature and understands the importance of getting heard and seen by the right people as a business owner.

Julie saw a need among her friends within various businesses that they needed help getting booked as podcast guests.

The opportunity to be in front of a captive audience of what has been identified as their ideal clients would be a game-changer for them.  

She knew it would be valuable for her friends to learn how to get booked or even to outsource the task to get booked on a podcast. So she created Your Expert Guest.

Like in cold calling, as a podcast guest, you get to be your genuine self. Your brand voice is loud and clear to a group that wants to hear what you do and who you do it for. It’s just like cold calls, a faster track to success.  

Julie is a guest as part of my Sales Done Right podcast series (ep 57).  

She shares so much more about business. She knows for sales to be done right potential clients need to know who you are and where to find you!

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