Lilly! • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant


We know Lilly Pulitzer as a fashion designer.

I invite you to come with me to explore what made her and her business so successful.

Lilly was blessed to be born into a wealthy family. Some may feel she was so successful because of her wealth, but I would argue it was in spite of it!

She was relaxed and fun. She needed purpose and was willing to go out on a limb and be different!

In the podcast, I cover several specific areas where I highlight things I appreciate about Lilly.

I share that the one thing that caught my attention about her was her connection to the mountains of Kentucky, where I’m from.

She came to Kentucky as a young woman to work with Mary Breckinridge at the Frontier Nursing Service.

That was just a wow moment for me. She spent time in the woodsy hills of Eastern Kentucky, riding on horseback to deliver medicine and messages and sometimes assisting with delivering babies in homes.

Then within a few years, she was married, a mother, living in Palm Beach, and designing dresses.

What a full life she leads. She was willing to be her own person.

She took a relaxed approach to life, working, and entertaining.

She didn’t care to try new things. Going door to door to sell fruit was not beneath her. It seems she looked at it as an adventure.

She would start doing something and then decide how to improve it.

Lilly followed her talent for making things visually beautiful. It served her well and gave the world some lovely things to enjoy and admire.

I think we should all try to be a little more relaxed; l be willing to improve upon what is working and live in our strengths.

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