Opportunity Ahead • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Opportunity Ahead

Earl and I are on the road back home from the Executive Connection Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Yes, we decided to drive 1846 miles instead of fly.

It was a great way to see some places we’d never seen. Plus, it was an excellent opportunity as business owners to plan some goals and new things for our business.

Earl and I are married and business partners. Yet, we still need time to plan and organize our business and our lives.

Time in the car has always helped us grow and talk through opportunities and challenges.

This time was no exception. Plus, seeing new places and new people always lends inspiration.

The combination of the travel and the conference was more inspiration than expected.

The summit had a lineup of some amazing speakers from both inside our industry and outside our industry.

There were so many takeaways that I can’t even begin to sort and list them all here.

But, I would sum it all up to say every industry has room for a disruptor that can make things better for the whole.

I haven’t spoken with anyone in any industry over the past five years that hasn’t said “things are changing” those words can be scary if you have a profitable business.

Humans love the thought of change but not the actual act of change.

Change is scary and confusing. It can wreck your confidence and steal your get-up and go.

We usually only want to change what isn’t working and save the change for the things we aren’t really happy with.

I have learned change can be an opportunity to improve what is already good and make it even better.

This week we were reminded America always has been and always will be the land of opportunity.

Earl and I are just one example of that as we started our business in a one-car garage only wanting to make a job for ourselves.

We are going on 20 years of making a living for ourselves and several more who provide for themselves and their families at this point.

We plan to continue to bring an innovative approach to our customers and community both with technology and a thought process that delivers something different, something better.

That’s our approach to a changing environment. 

So, what opportunity does change present to be even better for your customers and community?

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