Welcome Back,
In the “50-Mile Mindset,” Reena and Earl discuss the mindset around Earl’s upcoming 50-mile race. Not only is a race physically challenging, but your mindset plays an equally challenging role. Earl shares several tips, but his top tip for mindset training for the trails or the office is to find someone to encourage you: a coach, a friend, a co-worker, or a family member. They will get you out of your comfort zone and to the next level, where you will grow as an athlete, business owner, or salesperson.
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Coaching Link Mentioned: https://app.vert.run/auth
Reena’s Contact Info:
More Info: www.ReenaPhilpot.com
Ways to Work with Me: Here
Questions, please reach out: Reena@ReenaPhilpot.com
• Earl’s Contact:
Instagram: @earlwphilpot / Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/earl-philpot-28319849