Persuasion for the Good • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Persuasion for the Good

The ability to persuade could be the most critical characteristic among the most successful in sales. 

I would argue. It is also the most dreaded, misunderstood, and overlooked skill needed to turn the corner toward real fun and sales success. 

Persuasion is not a bad thing. Especially if you recognize you must use it carefully and only for the common good.

To persuade effectively, you must know at least three things before you begin.

1. What are you introducing to them?
2. What is it like for them currently without your product or service?
3. What will it likely be like for them once they purchase your product or service?

To persuade effectively means you will know what you are offering, why they need it, and what the outcome is they can expect.

If a friend asks your advice on where to eat lunch in a town where you have recently had a great dining experience, is it easy to suggest the spot where you ate as a recommendation?

It’s usually easy. Because you know it’s for the common good. Good for the friend. You know based on their usual preferences they will be pleased. Good for the restaurant they get more customers. Good for you as you feel good about pleasing your friend and the excellent restaurant will get more business. The more the restaurant gets referrals, the more likely you and your friend will repeat a good experience with a tried and true restaurant. That is the common good in action. Not to mention the community that will benefit in countless ways.

So I challenge you to look at every opportunity to sell as an opportunity to do what’s best for all involved. That means you are going to have to do just a little homework before you begin to persuade, but as I have described it’s worth it to you, your company, and most of all your customer.

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