Gain a Win for Yourself • Reena Philpot • Sales Mentor & Consultant

Gain a Win for Yourself

It’s not winning and losing against others; instead, it’s about gaining a win for yourself.

Have you considered something that may seem neat or exciting but thought, “oh, what’s the use?”

Maybe your mind floods with the voice of doubt. Perhaps you compare yourself to the 25-year-old next door or the long-time millionaire in your town and think I can’t compete with that.

This week on the podcast, my husband Earl shares all about his recent run in the Chicago Marathon.

Here’s the thing Earl is not a lifelong marathon runner or even a runner.

He played football in high school. He coached both our boys and pushed them to stay active in some sport from the time they were three years old through high school. But he wasn’t a runner.

He coached, supported, and encouraged the boys. But, when the boys were done with organized sports, he missed the drive to do something and the competition.

He has found fulfillment and a way to stay physically healthy and strong by competing at new levels and in new places along the way.

I know you can find encouragement as you hear his take on beating his own best effort every step along the way.

It doesn’t have to be a sport that you want to try.

We’ve been talking all month long about that deep desire that is personal to the individual.

What’s yours? Do you wonder what if? What if you try and plan to try again?

If for no other reason other than to satisfy yourself to prove it to yourself, you can do it. You are strong and capable. You can believe and achieve. So get out there and gain a win for yourself.

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