You must Believe. If you are going to be successful in selling, you must believe what you are offering has value. You must believe that the idea you have is a good one. You must believe it is worth the money you want in exchange for it from others. I had read Harland Sanders, the founder […]
A new year generally brings on high hopes. Besides holding on to hope, what can you do to have your best possible year in sales for 2021? Here are four elements that, if you apply to your sales process and your life, will help you achieve the best possible results. First, think positive. You must […]
On the one hand, this has been an unimaginable year in so many ways. I’m thankful no one could have predicted it because I am glad I had no warning. In my opinion, some things are just better to be taken as they come. Especially, in this case as I could have done nothing differently […]
Did you have a vision board for 2020? If so, I’ guessing there were some unexpected events in 2020 that made those visions a bit challenging. I, for one, had never considered a global pandemic. But, If I had I would have never guessed it would last for months. Last December, I did a vision […]
I thought this week I could share a little secret to increasing both your satisfaction with your sales and your sales volume. Surprisingly just being intentional with your appreciation toward a sale can work wonders. Now, you may be thinking 🤔 , and of course, I am always thankful. This is just a bit different. […]
I’ve found a lot of people are confused about sales and what it means. It’s more than pushing a product or service. It’s is presenting a product or service as a solution and an explanation of why. Have you ever been told what you offered is too much money? I have, and my response is […]
At the beginning of my sales career, I was pretty indifferent to winning or losing a sale. I would find someone who was in the market, prepare a proposal, deliver the proposal, and wait on a reply. It seemed in those days; I didn’t get many signed proposals. If I never heard back, if they […]
My mom was married as she neared her 17th birthday. A year later I was born. I had the opportunity to have her as a full-time mom. She never really had a career outside the home. But, I imagine now as I look back, she may have dreamed of one. You see, my mom was […]
We are trying to hold it all together. Our first priority is to keep our family, ourselves, our employees, and community safe. Now, we are trying to find a way to proceed and be as normal as possible. We are under quarantine, and we need to continue to earn a living. What is Selling? If […]
Do you sell high-ticket products and services? Do you have some potential clients that need your high-ticket items, and don’t realize they need them yet? They have been making do with something much less expensive. How do you handle presenting the price? Are you interested in learning how more about overcoming price objection? Have you […]